John W. Boushka (contact info on index page)
Brainbench Certifications
Nov 20, 2006
COBOL II, score 3.79 (possible range is 1.0 to 5.0)
percentile: 87
Strengths: Data Division, Process statements, File processing
Dec 8, 2006
JCL (IBM mainframe MVS, OS/390), score 3.79 (possible range is 1.0 to 5.0)
percentile: 70
Strengths: Parameters, formatting, input/output
February 28, 2007
Ansi SQL, score 3.00 (possible range is 1.0 to 5.0)
percentile: 46
Strengths: SQL Queries
March 8, 2007
DB2 Programming, score 3.71
percentile: 96
Strenghts: Data definition, performance, SQL concepts, programming concepts
April 19, 2007
CICS, score 3.25
percentile: 68
Strenghts: Troubleshooting, BMS, Storage
transcript link